4 Ways to Prepare for Your Baby’s Feeding Journey

4 Ways to Prepare for Your Baby’s Feeding Journey

Congratulations! Starting or expanding your family is an exciting time. Although there are many things to think about before your baby is born, feeding a newborn baby takes a lot (and I mean A LOT) of time. So think about how you want to feed your baby and prepare for that as it is important. 

Here are some of Learn to Feed’s top tips for getting started with your feeding journey:

  • Take an antenatal infant feeding class: 

If you are still pregnant, taking an infant feeding class is my top tip – whether you want to breastfeed or bottle feed. Many mothers think feeding their babies is easy and natural. However, we no longer live in communities where we learn what to do from others. You may have never seen a baby feed - I mean, Why should you know what to do if you have never seen it?! 

During an infant feeding class, you should know if your baby is full and hungry, is taking in enough milk, the ins and outs of breastfeeding, the basics of bottle feed and how to set your feeding goals. If you have any health conditions that may impact breastfeeding, you can also find out what to do to get your chances of reaching your goals. Learn to Feed offers virtual or in-person infant feeding classes that can be personalised for you and your partner.

  • Find your support system:

I know that people keep going about this when you are having a baby, but it can make a big difference. Before your baby is born, list all the people in your life whom you trust and can call if you need help or advice. It is worth finding a Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) who can support you if you need it. Lactation Consultants do not only help with breastfeeding but also with bottle feeding. So do not feel afraid to contact them for help with this type of feeding. 

  • Understanding what is Normal:

I will never forget one of my closest friends phoning me after her antenatal feeding class saying: I just wanted to check – can babies REALLY feed up to 12-15 times a day? 

From baby’s poop to how often they feed, cluster feedings, volumes, nipple pain and more, it is very important to know what to expect and when you need help because if you have not spent a lot of time around babies, it is not what you think! You can explore what is normal by attending an antenatal infant feeding class, reading books or listening to podcasts

(The answer is Yes, by the way, babies can feed that often!)

  • Go to an infant feeding support group (YES while you are still pregnant!):

The Feeding Support group is particularly important if you have never seen a baby feeding before. Many mothers find that seeing others feeding helps them understand what is normal and can help create connections with mothers who have been there. Going to a support group can help set you up for success on your feeding journey, and who knows, maybe you will even make some friends over a cup of tea and cake!


Written by Savannah Senior
International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant

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